How Many Photos Should a Wedding Photographer Give to Their Clients?

Couples often wonder how many photos they should expect to receive from their wedding photographer. On average, couples should expect between 400 and 800 photographs from their wedding photographer for an 8-hour coverage.

How Many Photos Should a Wedding Photographer Give to Their Clients?

When it comes to wedding photography, couples often wonder how many photos they should expect to receive from their photographer. To give you an idea, the average number of photographs delivered by a wedding photographer for an hour is between 50 and 100 wedding photos. Most of the time, a professional photographer will hand over 800 to 1000 digital files for 12-hour reports. For 12-hour coverage, on a big day, couples can expect to receive between 1200 and 1400 photos.

Before starting the search for a wedding photographer, it is advisable to set a budget for the photo session. A good image also conveys a mood that helps viewers to make sense of what the photographer is trying to say. If you're a photographer who wants to keep your clients happy and, at the same time, offer 50 outstanding photographs, be transparent about your intentions from the start. It is common to capture linear images of the arrival of the bride, the grand entrance of the bride and groom and the launch of the bouquet and garter at a wedding.

Many photos will be duplicated: several photos captured from the same moment, pose or detail, and the photographer will choose the best one to edit and include in the photos he receives. You can give specific instructions to the photographer and let them know how many photos you want before the wedding day. Ultimately, if you're honest with your clients about how many photos they should expect and you create a great job, whatever amount you decide to include in your wedding packages will certainly work. For the stunning wedding photos you've always dreamed of, check out these helpful tips for finding a professional wedding photographer. To generate the final result, a professional photographer takes more than 3000 RAW photos during a wedding.

However, they will only use 200 of these 1000 to 2000 RAW photos as they are of the highest quality. The amount of photographs a couple receives from a wedding doesn't matter as much as whether or not those photographs capture the most significant and memorable parts of the day. It's important that you meet with a wedding photographer beforehand so that you can analyze your vision of the images and ensure that they capture everything you want. This way, you can ensure that your expectations are met and that you get exactly what you want out of your wedding photography experience. In conclusion, couples should expect to receive between 400 and 800 photographs from their wedding photographer for an 8-hour coverage of their special day. Fifty to one hundred images should be possible in that period.

Select photos based on features that can't be converted and don't worry about the little things, such as lower underexposure or overexposure, inaccurate color temperatures, and other aspects of photography that can be solved during post-production.